How Long Should An Executive Resume Be?

How Long Should An Executive Resume Be

How Long Should An Executive Resume Be?

Personally, I LOVE the fact that people have such distinct opinions about how long a resume should be for executives. So, should it be one, two, three or more pages??

Well, you might have guessed it, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are some guidelines that I can share that will be of huge benefit to you and which will give you peace of mind once and for all!

You might be wondering … who am I to share this advice?

Well, before founding New Horizon Coaching I was a successful international executive recruiter and senior HR professional for over 15 years.

 I have literally seen tens of thousands of resumes and have been the one deciding whether we should interview or reject a candidate.

So, it's safe to say I know a thing or two about resumes.

To give you an idea, I have recruited leaders in Marketing, IT, Sales, Communications, Legal, Policy and Accounting. I also recruited engineers and field staff in various industries.

All levels of the company.

And this is only to list a few!

As I mentioned before, there is no black and white ruling on how long an executive resume should be, but there are some definite guidelines.


1. Location

For starters, think about which country you are applying for a job in.

In Europe on average they like 2-2.5 pages, in the US they like one page, but if you take Australia, for example, they like 2-3 pages.

It’s important to establish the specific resume requirements for the country you're applying for a job in, as this will massively contribute to whether your resume is going to convert into an interview or not.


2. Position

Secondly, consider the position you are applying for.

It’s almost needless to say that when you are applying for a PhD role your resume will include projects and publications.

In this case, a resume can have anything from 5-10 pages.


3. Content (MOST important!)

Thirdly, in my experience, the length of a resume often comes second. 

It is the content that will make a BIG difference. (Also check out The 4 BIGGEST Executive Resume Mistakes)

Think about it, it's like a book.

If the content is engaging, jaw-dropping, can’t-put-it-down, you’re not really thinking of how many pages it is and the length of the book. (Quick note here: I'm not saying your resume should be like a book.)

A resume should be grabbing the attention of the decision-maker, standing out from the sea of applicants and clearly articulating your unique value proposition.

It needs to clearly articulate WHY you. 

What makes you different. 

What specific problem do YOU solve (aka what's your added value) 

Unfortunately, almost ALL the resumes I see don’t get it right.

Most of you think your resume is okay, but I can tell you, this is very often not the case.

In fact, most of the time it holds you back. 

And I get it, you have over 15 years experience, a long list of achievements and countless skills... how the hell do you communicate this in only a few pages? 

And before you start thinking of hiring an executive resume writing service... think about this...

If you have your resume written by someone else you'll: 

1. Lose Authenticity; they are not you. They might be able to write a beautifully worded resume... however, that's where their job stops. At writing. It's NOT their job to uncover what makes you YOU. And you'll need to know this to stand out. 

2. Interview Fail; after your resume comes the interview. I've seen hundreds of people fail in the interview because they can't talk to their resume. (also check out How To Prepare for An Executive Interview.)

Look, no one enjoys writing their resume but I promise you, doing it yourself pays off in a big way. 

  • You'll get clear on who you are, your unique value proposition and WHY someone should interview YOU. 
  • You'll be able to tell a consistent story between your resume, LinkedIn profile and in an interview. 
  • You'll get more confident as you unravel your career and really reflect on all you have done and achieved through your career 

I hope this gave you the right insights to move forward with your executive job search. 

If you need any help, reach out and schedule a time to talk. 

Alternatively, let me take all the trial and error out of writing a job-winning resume… and get The 6-Figure Resume Template!