Calm Your Inner Critic as You Begin Your New Job.

Calm Your Inner Critic as You Begin Your New Job.


Welcome, lovely souls, to another insightful blog post from the Awakening Your Heart community.

Today, we're delving deep into the realm of your inner critic and how it likes to make an appearance when you're starting a new job, whether it's a fresh external opportunity, an internal shift, or a well-deserved promotion.

This is the moment when your inner critic decides to throw a little party, potentially hindering you from reaching your full potential.

But don't worry; we've got your back.

This topic came to mind because I'd like to share a valuable three-part practice with you.


3-Part Practice: Calm Your Inner Critic


You can access this transformative exercise for free. (Calm Your Inner Critic)

This practice is designed to help you calm your inner critic and stop it from running the show in those crucial moments of self-doubt.

Now, let me tell you about Susan, a client of mine who recently landed a fabulous six-figure corporate leadership role as a managing director.

At first, she was over the moon with excitement.

But as the days and weeks passed, leading up to her new role, her inner critic took center stage, casting shadows of doubt over her abilities.

She worried about being exposed as a fraud, suffered from imposter syndrome, and had sleepless nights.

So, we embarked on a half-day workshop to address this issue.


Part One: Visualisation Activation


We kicked off the workshop with an "activation visualisation."

Susan wasn't exactly the meditating type, but she gave it a shot.

In just five minutes, this exercise worked wonders, allowing her to connect with her inner truth and explore her deeper self.

Meditation, after all, involves shutting out external stimuli and diving into your internal emotions.

When guided properly, this process can take you to profound places beyond what you'd think of with your eyes open.

The next part was focused on specific guided prompts, which helped Susan unravel the thoughts that had been running on autopilot.

When you close your eyes and imagine, it's a personal journey of self-discovery.

Susan gained a lot of insights from this exercise, and it laid the foundation for her transformation.


Part Two: Power of Circle


The second part of our exercise was all about the "Power of Circle."

We examined two scenarios.

The first scenario was Susan stepping into her new job with her inner critic's negativity on full display – all the thoughts of not being good enough, being exposed, and fearing failure.

In the other circle, we imagined Susan stepping into her greatness.

She listed her strengths and accomplishments, and as she did, her energy and confidence soared.


Part Three: Loving Thoughts


Now, the last part of the practice is acknowledging the contrast between the two scenarios.

The first circle dragged her down, making her play small and safe, while the second circle empowered her to shine, be recognized as a thought leader, and take her career to new heights.

We explored the actions and results of each scenario, making it clear that the energy you bring to a situation can profoundly impact your outcomes.

The beauty of this exercise is that it helps you become aware of these two circles.

Once you're conscious of them, you can consciously choose to shift from your victim circle to your greatness circle.

This shift empowers you to make decisions, lead authentically, and ultimately, reach your full potential.

So, if you've been battling with a persistent inner critic, I highly recommend giving this three-part practice a try.

It's a game-changer, and you can find the download link in the show notes.

Thanks for joining us today, and I hope this practice helps you find your inner strength and tackle those new challenges with confidence.

Download the practice and embark on a journey to silence that inner critic once and for all.

Until next time, take care and stay empowered!

Goodbye for now.

(Calm Your Inner Critic)