The Deeper Problem of Feeling Stuck in Your Career.

The Deeper Problem of Feeling Stuck in Your Career


Unlock Your Authentic Leadership Potential: It Begins Within.


Hey there, welcome to today's blog where we're going to dig into something that often gets swept under the rug: that feeling of being stuck and the internal tug-of-war that can really slow us down.

This isn't just theory; this is my journey, and my hope is that by sharing it, you might find some nuggets of wisdom.


The Disconnect Dilemma


So, let's start from the beginning.

I hit a point where I felt like I was in the dark, and the main reason for that was feeling disconnected from myself.

If you're someone with big ambitions, like me, or if you're in a leadership role, you've probably been there. Ambition drove me to chase external success, but in that pursuit, I lost touch with my inner wants, values, and emotions.

The result? A nagging sense of emptiness despite the outward achievements.

This internal struggle created a constant anxiety, a never-ending worry that I might be barking up the wrong tree.

I've seen this in others, too, where it leads to stress, self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

What no one really talks about is the energy drain caused by this internal conflict.

It's that clash between what society deems as success and our authentic selves that triggers stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being trapped in a life that doesn't really fit.


Coming Face to Face with the Truth


For me, everything started to change when I decided to take responsibility.

Blaming everything outside of me wasn't getting me anywhere.

I had to have a real heart-to-heart with myself.

Getting in your own way isn't just about battling limiting beliefs; it's also about missing out on opportunities because you're looking through a narrow success lens.

It's about failing to see all the chances around you because they don't match your preconceived notion of success.


The Guts to Embrace Authenticity


Embracing authenticity takes guts and confidence.

It means making choices that resonate with your values, desires, and purpose.

Even when everyone and their aunt insists that an opportunity is too good to pass up, if it doesn't feel right for you, be brave enough to say no.

It might be a bit uncomfortable, but having the confidence to trust in your own truth is the name of the game.


This Journey Keeps Going


My journey is still a work in progress, and it's a conscious one.

When I get triggered, I see it as a chance for self-reflection. It's like playing detective, trying to uncover deeper issues.

If this all sounds familiar to you, then I want to extend an invitation to join "Rise Up and Lead With Heart," our monthly membership all about heart-centred leadership.

Inside, you'll get access to masterclasses, heart-centred vision creation, a process to banish Imposter Syndrome, meditation sessions, and the lowdown on leadership strategies in "The Visibility Project."

If you're ready to jump into this transformative journey, go ahead and explore the membership.

Thanks for taking the time to read today, and always remember, it's a journey, not a destination.

With a big, warm heart, Caroline 💖



Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: