How to Start a New Job with Confidence.

How to Start a New Job with Confidence.

Mastering Day One: How to Start a New Job with Confidence


First days at a new job – a mix of excitement, nerves, and trying to remember everyone's name.

We've all been there, and trust me, you've got this!

Today, let's dive into some key strategies and mental practices that'll have you striding into your new gig like you own the place.


Embark on Day One with Confidence


Let me whisk you back to my first day at a swanky new office.

The coffee was posh, the dress code was business casual (with a dash of 'you better impress'), and my nerves were playing a lively drum solo in my stomach.

As I nervously navigated through unfamiliar faces, a seasoned colleague noticed my deer-in-the-headlights look.

She walked over, introduced herself with a warm smile, and shared a hilarious mishap from her first day.

Instantly, I felt more at ease – like I had a confidante in this sea of newness.

That simple act of kindness set the tone for my entire onboarding experience.


Three Key Strategies for Starting a New Job with Confidence


1. Craft Your Intro: No, not a pushy sales pitch, just a snappy line to introduce yourself. In the beginning, you'll meet a bunch of people, so capitalize on this chance to make the best first impression.

2. Navigate the Landscape: Before setting foot in the office, do some recon. Explore the company culture, understand the team structure, and get familiar with any tools or software. It's like showing up at a party already knowing the dance moves – you'll feel less like a wallflower and more like the life of the party. Ideally, grab the org chart and start mapping out key stakeholders. Check their LinkedIn profiles to understand who's new or seasoned in the organization.

3. Plan for Triumph: Seize the day. When you're introduced to people, casually express your interest in connecting with them in the next few days. Ask if it's okay to set up a meeting later. You've already set the tone that you'll be in touch.


Three Practices for Mental Preparation


1. Tapping: If nerves are tapping on your mental door, tap right back. Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points. It's like a reset button for your mind. Take a few minutes before your first day to tap away any nervous energy and boost your confidence.

2. Visualisation: Picture yourself rocking it on your first day. Visualize confidently introducing yourself, handling tasks with ease, and making a positive impression. Visualization is like a mental rehearsal – it primes your mind for success and makes you feel more prepared for whatever comes your way.

3. Breathwork: Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. Box breathing (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4) is a game-changer. It calms your nerves, centres your mind, and helps you enter the office with a clear head. Take a moment before entering the building to practice a few rounds of intentional breathing.


In Conclusion: You've Got This!


Starting a new job is like embarking on a thrilling adventure, and you're the protagonist.

Embrace the unknown, be kind to yourself, and remember that everyone else has been the new kid at some point.

Armed with a snappy intro, a bit of recon, and a sprinkle of small talk magic, you're ready to conquer day one.

And if you ever feel those nerves knocking, tap into your mental practices.

Let tapping, visualisation, and breathwork be your secret weapons, turning your first-day jitters into first-day glitter.

You've got the skills, the personality, and now, the strategies to kick off this new chapter with confidence.

By the way, if you're keen on diving deeper into unlocking your full potential, consider checking out "Step Up with Freaking Out," our empowering guide to navigating challenges with grace and gusto.

It's your go-to resource for starting a new job with confidence.

Download it here and let the confidence boost begin! 🚀