Five Steps To Building Your Leadership Brand.

career advancement
building your leadership brand

Five Steps To Building Your Leadership Brand.

Whether you’re conscious about it or not there is a good probability that you think about how you’re perceived at work regularly...

“I wonder if that project I initiated last week was received well?” or

“I hope my boss doesn’t let that little mistake I made overshadow my capabilities”.  

Here’s the thing… have you ever thought about or honed in on your branding?  

Because it is your branding that will be the key influencer within your organisation and how you’re perceived.

Personal vs Leadership

Outside of work, your friends and family…

Here is where your personal brand kicks in…  A reflection of your core values and what you stand for, your priorities, how you’re perceived as a person, a mother, a wife, a friend etc.  Are you the calm one in a crisis, the fun one at the party…  How you are with others, whether you’re a cuddly bear or a grizzly one!  

Inside of work, your colleagues and bosses...

How are you perceived by these groups at work? how do you interact and influence, how do you present yourself and react under pressure?  Do you meet deadlines are you on time.  Are you considered the workhorse of the organisation a dumping ground for excess work?

You must have the right brand at work because a leadership brand is what will take you to another level in your career it will guide you into the future: 

Who do you want to be? 

How do you want to be seen?  So…

Are You Being Intentional about your Leadership Brand?

Does it really matter..?

YES, it does... if you want to be seen as an influencer within your organisation a person who can be given high profile projects and given a seat at the big table then yes it matters because it exemplifies who you are, how you work and the projects you deliver. 

It should always be an authentic representation of what you aspire to be and the type of leader you will be. 

There are five reasons why you should be intentional about your leadership because  It will:

  1. Help you achieve your career goals
  2. Assist in making an impact within your organisation
  3. Set you apart from everyone else and will illustrate your uniqueness
  4. Help your growth and make you thrive
  5. Show your authenticity, values, strengths and style.

I have put together some steps to help you achieve your leadership goals…  Here are FIVE steps to building your leadership brand:

1. Evaluate

The perfect way to begin understanding yourself and shifting your personal brand to a leadership brand is to write it down. 

Much like a pros and cons list you want to put down what you are currently doing and what you want to be doing (get rid of all those tasks you dislike, think of it as a list for Santa!)

Having this “reality of words” in front of you will help in setting professional goals and decisions you need to make to move forward.

2. Take stock of your online footprint

It’s time to get eagle-eyed with your online presence…  Today “everyone’s” digital footprint comes under scrutiny. 

If you want to be seen with a particular leadership brand then you need your online presence to show it. 

Have a look at other professionals in your field and see how they are being depicted and emulate that by creating your new look, join the appropriate platforms such as LinkedIn.

3. Tag it!

Who are you and what is your style..? 

Having the right summary of your unique leadership style is important as it acts as a reminder of who you are and where you are headed.

4. Partner/s in Influence

Having someone or even a small group of people, who you can bounce ideas off, others who will give you the truth (whether you like it or not). 

They are able to be your sounding board for improving your brand and where you’re headed. 

They also have your back and can be a key influencer with getting your ideas to the executives and even recommending you for key projects.

5. Time to put it into action!

Now I hate to break it to you but none of us is perfect! 

Because of this, it is a great idea to put areas that may need extra work into a plan. 

It will help to bridge the gap between where your leadership brand currently sits and where you want it to be. 

It will help to construct a method to grow and develop over some time.  It is vital to remember that it isn’t a quick fix, you won’t be able to change your branding overnight but taking steps toward your goals will ensure you will get to where you want to be in a time considerate manner.

When you are consistent and intentional about your branding and uniqueness then you’ll start to see signs that your efforts are paying off. 

Remember your Leadership brand is a revolving door you need to be watchful and re-evaluate ensuring it is a clear reflection of where you want to be.

If you need help with your leadership brand then reach out as this is what I do, I am passionate about helping people just like you embrace change and OWN their greatness.

Get some professional help as you will get some really valuable insights into what you need to do to leap in your career.

So, if you are ready for the next step, here’s what you can do: 

Watch my FREE leadership training (jam-packed with invaluable information) The Secret To Shifting From An Overworked Doer To A Sought-After Leader. 


Schedule a FREE Career Breakthrough Session.


You have my word it will be a real conversation about YOU.  What your needs are, where you currently are in your career and most importantly where you want to be. 

Following this we can discuss how we will overcome any of the roadblocks, what strategies will help you and of course what working together will look like.